Friday, November 16, 2007

Over my shoulder

I wonder a lot of the time how I've gotten to the place that I am, and how I will get to the places I'll go. Presently, I am very happy as I think about my future and what it holds. I am happy about the people in my life, and the accomplishments they are making. I am happy personally even though I'm single, I'm ALL THE WAY single which is something I haven't been in a long time and I'm overjoyed about it really. Growth and change are necessary for a person to become a better them, and I think college definitely facilitates that...
Its so crazy to watch things like, old movies and old TV shows like A different World and note how they mean something totally different than what they used to. Life experience has changed us and we will never have that youthful innocence back as we have become older and hopefully wiser. Friends have hurt us and helped us to recognize the characteristics of true friendship. Our parents have become human to us rather than these superheroes. Our exes have loved us and hurt us and taught us our standards and expectations, and now our sense of what a functional mature relationship is becoming better defined. All of these things that we didn't understand at the time have helped mold us into the person we are today and hopefully we can look in the mirror and LOVE that person.
If not then you know, we are human and we all fall short sometimes, but the beautiful thing about life is you're not stuck. You're never stuck in a job or stuck in a relationship or stuck in a mindset. God gave us a choice, and we always have the opportunity to change something we are unhappy with if we choose to do so.
Keeping that in mind, enjoy life and find something to smile about everyday because life is beautiful and we are BLESSED, and favored...My favorite parable: A man calls to the Lord and says, Lord my cross is too heavy to bear I feel burdened and overwhelmed and hopeless what should I do? The Lord takes the man into a room filled with crosses and tells the man to pick out a new one. The man sifts through the crosses some big, some too heavy to carry, but finally decides on one small cross just big enough for him to carry. He asks the Lord if he can bear this cross instead, and the Lord replies, "My child that is the one you came in with."
It is important that we remember everybody goes through things, but He will never put more on you than you can bear. Whatever it is you're going through it is for a reason and you will come out of it if only you have faith. Surround yourself with people who are positive and uplifting and are supportive and if someone is blocking that positivity LET THEM GO. Thats maybe one of the hardest things to do in life, but pruning and weed-eating is apart of growth. You can't be afraid of change, you can't be afraid to try something new. If you always do what you always did, then you'll always get what you always got. As you walk down life's crooked path, when you look over your shoulder, you'll see a straight line. Hindsight is always 20/20, trust, have faith, live laugh LOVE!

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