Friday, November 30, 2007

2 Balls 2 Many

A friend of mine raised an interesting point the other day about aggressive women, he said 4 balls don't work in a relationship, but men (we're speaking MEN not boys) don't like women who don't have really how does this work? I figure its not an issue of 4 balls in a relationship its more an issue of who's are hanging, and who's are tucked in a given situation. I apologize for the um less than classy analogy...

So really theres always a power struggle going on and during the happy times, the power is at whatever's normal for that couple; could be 50/50, 60/40, whatever. When you have an argument afterwards the goal is to return back to that norm: so a fight is a homeostatic process. So what happens when your man is trippin the balls are on the ground and he's standing up beating his chest? My initial reaction is to stand just as upright, look at him like he's short and do the same. THAT is probably not the right thing to do, because I'm sure sometimes he has a valid point or reason to be angry. You can't say you want this strong resilient Alpha-male then be mad when he acts like one.

Strong willed women, which seem to be abundant in today's society, need a man who makes her want to tuck them. Is that backwards? Maybe; I don't mean to speak for the world, I know some women are happy in a matriarchial society and in fact that is prominent especially among Black households, however a lot of that is not by choice. Its just one way of looking at things and this isn't even my absolutele opinion...but I seriously think men are becoming increasingly more Beta and women are gaining in aggression and Alphaness... That to me is messed up. I don't respond well to passive aggressiveness, I take it as a sign of weakness which might possibly be a character flaw and something I need to work on, but at least I know it. If you want something say it. If I'm in the wrong tell me, and if I'm being dismissive which I hardly ever am (one enjoys a good debate) then find a way to make me listen. I had someone tell me I was controlling. Incorrect but why relinquish any control to you when you haven't done anything to prove you deserve it?

I believe women, working women, today have become more aggressive because they have to be. Thats not to say that they want to be a hardass at home, they just had to be strong, abbrassive, and unemotional at work all day. I'm at home now you be the protector and make me feel safe. Or maybe I'm crazy....I often have that thought whenever I write these things. Like they're just meaningless rambles of a possibly twisted and troubled young woman, but then you don't have to read it...or agree I'm not looking for followers. I'm just simply providing food for thought.

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