Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I'm starting an anti-caking coalition...because you know what? The shit is useless. I've decided treat men like mushrooms: You feed them shit and keep them in the dark. Because you know what, the more you act right the more they run in the opposite direction...but the second you're like "fuck you and fuck this" they wanna act right. What IS that? And of course once you've decided to get over him, he'll be the man you wanted him to be all along. I'm taking a stand against the cycle, ladies stop baking the cake!

Nooooo I'm not bitter, its just a random inexplicable fact of life that after a certain amount of relationships and a certain amount of hearbreak that the hardest thing is to let someone in and let someone love you. Now in a perfect world men would all be sitting around wrapped in this fear that they'll get hurt but lets be real...they're not. Half the time when they have a good thing they're looking to upgrade. This is not all, just most. I'm ready to scream, I am the best thing that you COULD have had. Then of course women are all analytical thinking what did I do wrong? Not shit! Ok thats not true, sometimes we fuck up ladies. But sometimes the shit is out of the blue like, just POOF 'I'm not gonna act right today...or ever' and we are left thinking what the hell was I wasting my time for? STOP BAKING THE CAKE

The Player handbook tells men to give a girl just enough to keep her wanting least initially. So lets adopt that motto. We're too old for mind games and such, so if he's not acting right, count your losses and stop actin right your damn self. Go dumb.
Him: What you doing tonight?
You: I don't even know...
Him: Oh well maybe I can roll through later
You: I don't know, I'll text you.
Yeah he's thinkin what the fuck. You supposed to be there, didn't you know?!? Don't be predictable...and if he wants to leave, let him. Let him go get that 20 and leave this 80 at home. Just make sure you're really the 80!!!

Now, cakin with your man is totally different that cakin with your homeboy. Save the cake for someone special. And even then every once in a while, let him woo you all over again. The fun is in the chase, so sometimes he's got to think you might get away even if you're going nowhere. I could write a book on this shit...

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