Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Little Boys & Frienemies

I know for a fact this one people will be able to feel me on, and that is so unfortunate. Trusting. Something that shouldn't be hard but becomes increasingly difficult with age and life experience. That is not exclusive to romantic relationships either... How many people really trust the people they associate themselves with. Or do you have, within your group of associates, those select few that you don't share your life with? Perhaps they haven't earned your trust, or maybe you've vicariously learned that they are not to be trusted. Either way, why even keep those people in your life???

To me, lying and cheating are the ultimate no-nos in relationships and grounds for immediate dismissal because if I cant trust my partner then what else is there? Constantly wondering if he is where he said he would be, or if he's telling me things just to make me happy but has other intentions is NERVEWRECKING and I absolutely refuse to put up with it. Perhaps unjustly and prematurely I have stopped talking to people all together because of lies. Everyone knows whats done in the dark always comes out in the light, so why even fix your mouth to tell a lie? An ex of mine told me that its not always so personal, that people aren't lying to me because its me, they'd tell that lie 'in general'. Well I'd like to think that if you're trying to date me, or be in a relationship with me, you'd take the extra effort to separate me from the 'in general' people you'd normally lie to and keep it 100 with me. I don't think thats too much to ask for....

Moving off men for a second, many of us have them? Maybe the realest line ever rapped, right? Girls, perhaps can understand this better than men but it is SO hard to find a group of women to be friends with that you can really be friends with. A lot of times a group forms from the blending of two groups or someone is a friend of a friend, that means you off bat want to trust her because someone YOU trust trusts her (hope thats not confusing). Anyway, but sooooooo many times you find yourself burned by women and for what? A career opp? A man? Honey if he left that easily she did you a favor, write her a thank you note and keep it moving. And the thing that puzzles me is, women will hurt each other, smile in your face while she's steady trying to get your man and in essesnce prove something. Jealousy is the root of a lot of this. Its simple: Jane is confident, attractive, social, and happy. Sue lacks self-esteem, is very attractive, social, and unhappy and Sue will try to take what Jane has to get that confidence and that happiness. Well SUEs of the world....This joy I have, the world didn't give it, Baby! So if you find that core group of women who are supportive, positive, ambitious, trustworthy and loyal, then hold on to them and nurture those relationships, its not worth it extended the friendship circle sometimes.

Back to guys for closing...Men a real man doesn't play games appreciates what he has and understands the 80/20 rule, only a little boy has to lie to get what he wants. Ladies, a real class act doesn't set her goals at the achievements of others and there's enough out there trying to hold us down DON'T be part of the problem!

Its funny how low self-esteem causes so much drama...but we'll save that for tomorrow!!

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