Monday, November 12, 2007

I wanna be 6 again

In one of my favorite John Mayer songs "83" he says
Well these days I wish I was six again. Oh make me a red cape I wanna be superman. Oh if only my life was more like 1983, All these things would be more like they were at the start of me. If my life was more like 1983, Plot a course to the source of the purest little part of me...
And I couldn't agree more. What would life be like if you woke up and were suddenly 6 again? Would you want to be completely ignorant of all life's lessons thus far? Would you be doomed to repeat the same mistakes? Would you want to be knowledgeable of your 17+/_ years lost? Would you do things differently, inevitably causing a butterfly effect on the rest of your life, now leading you down an entirely different path....Life was so carefree at 6, its before the basic dramas of life when your biggest worry is what's to eat for lunch. Is it wrong to long for the days of simple pleasures and no responsibilities?

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