Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Empty Barrels

You know the old saying, "An empty barrel makes the most noise," well I feel like that saying is particularly relevant this week. People with no credibility and little character have found it necessary to speak out about things they are not equipped to speak on. A person has taken it upon themselves to verbally attack people when it was not necessary or even called for. Last night a response was written but its more than comes down to, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? And not even on a personal level, like in the grand scheme of things, who are you and who are the people in general who find the need to talk shit and run their mouths with 0 to back it up?

I find it particularly interesting that the people who draw attention to themselves bad mouthing others, usually have the most skeletons in their closet. Its funny because you would think that those with something to hide would want to be as incog. as possible but its quite the opposite. Because they need validation. Their lives are so empty that they create drama around themselves...What better way to build social credibility than to say the best of the best, or the HNIC has beef with you? When in actuality the best is not thinking about you because why should they? Why dignify these empty barrels with a response? Why say anything; actions speak WAY louder than words and when was the last time you DID something worth noting besides run your mouth?

Its so easy to get caught up in the mud slinging and name-calling and such, as we all learned on monday-Nigga Moments are hard to avoid. I'm not quite pressing all the peace and harmony...I'm more saying don't even dignify yourself by thinking you're competition Mr. or Mrs. Empty Barrel. There isn't a need for words when you're truly the best at something, your greatness is depicted in your actions, how you carry yourself, and how you treat others. Clearly...class and tact are loss on you.

Empty Barrels are making all that noise because they want attention, they want to be noticed, they need to be on the lips of everyone, they need social validation. Ignoring them would be the best solution but not always the easiest, but once a hater has you off track, they have succeeded in their goal and that is unfortunate. It is a test of character to be able to look beyond the trifles in life, and remain undeterred by distractions. However, it is essential to success, as there will always be a few empty barrels along the path.

Nevertheless, the righteous will hold to their ways, and those with clean hands will grow stronger. Job 17:9

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