Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The one...and the other one

Carrie and Big and Aidan. Allie had Noah and Lon. Belle had Beast and Gaston. OK so maybe the last one was a stretch but it seems like in fiction, as well as real life there's always 'the one' and the other one... There's always the practical one the responsible one, the one who's good to you and treats you with dignity and respect, who gives you no reason to complain or worry, in other words the boring one. Then theres the one who can get under your skin like no one else can, the one who presses your buttons, tells you you're wrong, and doesn't baby you...but his touch sends your heart soaring, his calls make you smile, and theres unbelievable passion. Every girl throughout the course of her life will be faced with 'the one' and 'the other one'. Its hard because both are good men, both will be capable providers, both offer you the love you want, but its how they love that is different...

Aidan Shaw/Lon Hammond/The other one
This guy is a hard one to give up because he's quite a catch. And some women don't give him up, some settle into happy, quiet lives with their Aidans and infinitely long for that something that is missing in their relationship. You can't quite put your finger on it, and you wish you could love him wholly. You wish you had the same fire and fervor for Aidan that you have for 'the one' but you just don't, and some women will never admit that to themselves. The other one is loyal, and wants to please you, and wants to share his world with you...the only problem is you don't really care. Its boring and as nice as predictability is, it gets old. Relationships need spontaneity, the fire can't die out or else the couple is doomed. To think that some women marry 'the other one' have kids with him, and build a home and essentially a fortress of longing. Longing for something more. I'm a firm believer that your husband should be your best sex, your most passionate kiss, your best friend, someone you can teach and learn from, someone with whom you can laugh, fight, and make up with. You should be able to explore your full range of emotions with your significant other. Aidans typically try to satiate their women suppressing sadness, greif, or anger. Its not that they don't care, but they just want everything and everyone to be happy. In reality though, we can't be happy all the time. Everyone needs a good cry every once in a while, conflict can bring people closer together in the end, don't avoid fights welcome the conflict as an opprotunity to compromise and grow together. But...Aidan is smart, successful, loving, open, and loves you. Its hard to turn down safety.

Mr. Big/Noah Calhoun/ The One
You laugh together at things you can't begin to explain to other people, he is your comforter when you cry, but he can irritate you more than anyone in the entire world and often does...but the good outweighs the bad. When you fight, its full of just as much passion and enthusiasm as your joyous times. But you two understand each other in a way that you can't explain. Sometimes your best friends don't like him...thats mainly because you've been through the ringer so many times with this guy that its hard for them to understand why you keep going back. You know, though, that at the end of the day, his is the last voice you want to hear and the last hand you want to hold. You can talk to him about anything without being judged, you are free to be yourself with him. Thats the most important thing, when you're with 'the one' you love who you are, he makes YOU a better you. Sometimes it feels illogical because the relationship is unpredictable and maybe even unorthodox, but it doesn't matter because you can't plan love, it just happens and you go where it takes you. What can I just know. And you know you know, sometimes you don't want to admit it...but you always know deep down inside that this is the person I'm supposed to be with. This is the person that I'm supposed to share my life. He is my gift from Him. The one loves you enough to hurt your feelings, they are afraid of you leaving over a simple dispute. They are they ones who evolve and grow with you, they are nurturing your emotions not suppressing them. Lol a long time ago my my friend C said, every girl wants a guy to punch her in the eye. Now I don't agree with this literally, but figuratively, yeah...who really wants a 'yes, dear' who never puts up a fight or poses a challenge. Why be in a relationship if its all about me???

Its crazy because the only difference between choosing 'the one' and 'the other one' is fear. Fear of unpredictablity and taking a risk. But the bigger the risk the bigger the pay-off. And its understandable that many don't want to gamble with their hearts...but those same people who take the safe bets will be the same ones 15 years into a marriage who either get divorced or stay unhappily in the marriage feeling unfulfilled and lost. So...balls to the wall, or fold?

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