Monday, October 29, 2007


Why is it so hard to just say what you want. To simply say, I like you lets be together. I fucked up, I'm sorry. I made a mistake, forgive me. I don't think its working, I want to be single. You're not what's best for me, I can't do this anymore. Whatever the case may be...we have such a hard time getting over whatever barriers we've created in our heads to get to the center of the maze. Is it the excitement, the drama, the suspsense of knowing that problem we can easily solve will still be there tomorrow. Is it the realiablity of mental chaos? When do we get to grow up and stop the guessing games and just be real with one another? Please someone tell me that in adulthood I won't have to analyze what a text message really meant. Tell me that when I'm grown what he says is what he meant and his actions will reinforce his words. Tell me that my middle school relationship wasn't the prototype for all my future relationships.

I'm optimistic, either that or alone in starting a movement for growing up. I have faith that one day when I like you, I can tell you and it won't be a 3-week issue over whether I should tell you and how. We don't have to play games, beating around bushes and dancing in circles avoiding what we both want to say. Tell me what you're not saying, thats the best conversation we've ever know the one thats yet to come. Lets grow up together and just be real...

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