Monday, October 22, 2007

Ciara said it best....

Damn ok, I never even liked the song 'Like a Boy' but it seems to be appropiate lately. So one of my guy friends reveals to me that HE believes if I were a guy, I'd be a hoe...Since then I've come to the conclusion that everyone is living with an inner hoe and females have to supress this 'IH' just a bit more than men that fair? Maybe not but thats life.

Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy.....
Lets get really real, if I were a guy HELL yeah I'd be a hoe. Knowing what I know now about females, I'd have no problem with it. Would I have standards, of course, would I be as picky as I am now? Probably should be but no. Thats the truth. Would I be disrespectful and treat women like hoes? Nah, but I'd treat hoes like hoes. I imagine its way more fun to "invade" than "be invaded", E (my guy friend) feels that I'd be a selfish lover and not take into account my partners needs. Thats fucked up, right? Is it true? Well I don't know about all that. I'd like to think that I still have a reputation to uphold and if I'ma do something I'ma excel at it lol...but who knows penis makes u stupid. But how much of the "boy me" is embedded in the "girl me" and WHO decided that sex was for boys??? We're the ones with the ONLY body part created solely for sexual gratification (fuck wit it) so I say we've got a 1up on men.

Wish we could switch up the roles...
As a woman, who is happy to BE a woman, I still wonder about these double standards. Something inside a womans superego is constantly checking her and moving her away from a hedonistic lifestyle of pleasure. Do men have this same thing? I mean of course they do but is that inner voice as loud? If you take away the social stigma of 'hoe' and you always keep safe sex in mind...would you be more of a hoe, Ladies? There's something to be said about a woman who fucks a la Samantha Jones style. With no apologies or excuses, hell its just sex and men do it...why must the woman be the one thinking of relationships and the future? Who says females can't just want sex?? Everyone has these thoughts, I'm convinced.

Aw naw, you wouldn't like that, NO!
I think a lot of times men don't take women seriously when they say they just want sex because 1.It can be viewed as emmasculating 2.Half the time women are LYING (yeah I said it) and 3.Its never just sex. Now just because I have acknowledged my IH doesn't mean that bitch gets any say in how I live my life... Its just the fact of the matter that she exsist in the first place, and why do men (socially speaking) get to indulge their IH while women have to suppress it? Women have perverted the ideal of sexual freedom and started using sex as a means to get what they want relationship wise. Its like damn, you fuckin it up for EVERYBODY! Can't you trap a dude the old fashioned way w/o pretending to be all new millenium? On the other hand, a man who can't handle a woman who knows what she wants is a piss poor excuse of a man in my opinion. Man up, literally, get your swag together and be grown about it. But its never just sex...thats 99.9% of the time, but I feel like in any continued sexual relationship somebody will catch feelings, or start acting possessive and things go south. Thats not always on the woman either, men have been acting more emotional these days (thats a whole 'nother blog)...

In conclusion, men are fabulous. Women are amazing and evolving everyday at a rate far faster than men, bet money, but just because those niggas are moving slow doesn't mean you can't move full speed ahead. Don't be ashamed of what you want, or expressing your desires. Own them, the mind does crazy things with suppressed emotions...that shit ALWAYS comes out. (Psych major info, anticipate my billing invoice)


Anonymous said...

Wow...THAT blog...words cannot describe...

As we've already been discussing this inner hoe issue def needed to be addressed...The fact that females do not let that inner hoe out is because we think too much about it and realize (for some) it is only a fantasy...not necessarily what we really truly wanna do. But speaking on the other side of that yeah you right if you took away society's viewpoint of a hoe and the fact that hoeing around is fuckin with your life then I am quite sure that there would be more women letting their inner hoe out.

Also, although men have an easier time than women hoeing around I do believe there are times when they may think like a lot of females and sex is no longer just sex to them either...we just can't be another hoe on their list. I do believe the invading rather than being invaded does play a HUGE role in how easy or hard it is to be a hoe (all ideas of people having low self-esteem and stuff like that aside).

I am definitely one that believes that yeah some people are hoes for those type reasons..but I think more are hoes just because they weren't afraid to let their inner hoe out and just have fun...I think that in a hoe's mind it is FUN lol...GREAT JOB Jess!!!

Unknown said...

I had wrote a long drawn out response, and it never showed up... I'm mad. Your blog is broken.